Program Updates


By July 10, 2022 4,602 Comments

When applying to and interviewing for the Education Opportunity Program (EOP) at California State University, Northridge (CSUN), Jose Escobar tapped into his YBA knowledge base and used business etiquette learnings including doing research prior to the interview, being engaged and asking questions, and even deciding what to wear to the interview. Jose shared, “if I didn’t take the YBA course, I don’t know if I ever would have been taught any of these important business skills.”

Jose attended Valor Academy High School in North Hills, California and experienced the full YBA curriculum through his business class. Jose appreciated the opportunity to get in-depth insights into a variety of careers through numerous guest speakers, as well as instruction on practical business skills including how to write cover letters and resumes.

But his favorite part of the YBA curriculum was the mock job interviews. “I believe one of the best ways to learn is through experience. These mock interviews were great as we all received immediate feedback. Now I feel more prepared and confident for interviews in the future.” 

Jose also leveraged his learnings from the YBA program when thinking about his major at CSUN. “All of the YBA guest speakers reinforced the same key points: pursue your passions and persist through challenges. They showed me that there are lots of career options available to me, and that it’s OK to change my mind in the future and pursue a different path.”

For now, Jose has chosen Mechanical Engineering as his major and plans to use the YBA scholarship award to pay for a new laptop that runs the specialized software needed for his engineering classes. 

When asked about any tips for current YBA students, Jose emphatically recommended, “always pay attention and ask questions when you can. Once you’re outside of the YBA program, it will be much harder to get the insights, direction and answers you need for college and beyond so take advantage of the program while you’re in it!”

YBA chooses 10 students each year to receive a four-year renewable scholarship of $500 per year. YBA is investing $15,000 in scholarships in 2022 to fuel its program graduates on their journey to career success and a brighter future through a college education.



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