Soley Van Lokeren

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First name Soley
Last name Van Lokeren

As an immigrant from Chile, I came to the U.S. at age 11, not speaking a word of English. It was through a wonderful mentor that I was able to be successful in school. I obtained by B.S. in Business and my M.B.A. from CSUN. I was a CEO at age 22 and ran a Security Company with 125 employees. I then owned a restaurant for 5 years and have been an Executive with my current firm (working in various disciplines and roles) for 15 years. I would love to share my story and to encourage kids from diverse backgrounds that anything is possible.

Nickname Soley Van Lokeren
Display name Soley Van Lokeren

Speaker Info

Company People Now, Inc.
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Susan & Eric Smidt Tech High School

Last Speaking Date 9/23/17
Title Executive Director of Business Operations
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 818 644-7431(H)