Shannon Adawn

Primary fields

First name Shannon
Last name Adawn

D.C. native, Shannon Adawn is a multi-media artist who began her creative pursuits behind the lens. After studying Fine Arts at the prestigious Corcoran College of Art and Design, since 2000 she has honed her expert skills as a Portrait Photographer and Graphic Designer. Overtime Adawn's trademark elements have evolved to encompass rich color palettes, lively urban landscapes, chic minimalism, and an effortless sensuality. Undeniably, her work delivers consistent quality that's as innovative as it is captivating.

When she's not behind the lens, Adawn can be found pursuing her burgeoning career as an actress and motivational speaker. Her conviction stands that through the art of storytelling anyone can serve as a source of inspiration for a transformed world.

Nickname Shannon Adawn
Display name Shannon Adawn

Speaker Info

Company Actor
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Pat Brown High School, Valor Academy High School

Last Speaking Date 7/21/16
Title Multi-Media Artist
Mobile Phone Number 202 247-0832(H)