Riadh Hamdi

Primary fields

First name Riadh
Last name Hamdi

Riadh Hamdi is an entrepreneur, health and fitness consultant, speaker, and author. He first discovered his passion for helping others when he became a personal trainer in his native country of Tunisia. Determined to create a better for himself and his family, Riadh came to the United States in 2000 with only $2 in his pocket, knowing only the English word, Job. Today, he owns a chain of juice bars and Southern California as well as a line of active wear and a brand of water. He loves his life and the many opportunities he has to help others pursue their own dreams. Riadh currently lives in Long Beach, California with his wife, Amy, and two beautiful daughters, Madilyn and Addison, and their German Shepherd Cali.

Email riadh@riadhhamdi.com
Nickname Riadh Hamdi
Display name Riadh Hamdi

Speaker Info

Company Nutrition Solution Juice Bar
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Margaret M. Bloomfield High School, Animo Inglewood High School

Last Speaking Date 7/19/17
Title owner
Mobile Phone Number 562 221-5866(H)
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/1368_schoolpresentation.pptx