Paul Rudy

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First name Paul
Last name Rudy

Dr. Paul Rudy is a Co-Founder, CMO, and SVP of Business Development at SLD Laser, a leader in the commercialization of laser light sources. Paul has worked in the field of photonics for more than 20 years, and has extensive experience in photonics general management, technical product marketing, business development, and product management. Prior to SLD, Paul worked as Director of Marketing at Coherent, the world's largest commercial laser manufacturer, specifically working to commercialize laser devices based on gallium arsenide. Dr. Rudy received his doctoral degree in physics from the University of Rochester, MBA from USC, and undergraduate physics B.S. from Duke University.

Nickname Paul Rudy
Display name Paul Rudy

Speaker Info

Company SLD Laser
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy

Last Speaking Date 7/10/18
Title CMO, Co-Founder, SVP BD
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 408 921-6948(H)