Laura Linden

Primary fields

First name Laura
Last name Linden

I have been helping executives make BIG decisions easily for the past 7 years. As a success and leadership coach, consultant, and trainer I really love helping leaders - whether they own their own business or lead in a company - to solve their specific business problems using a proven and simple system of logic and intuition. I love providing unique tools to guide them in their necessary growth as a business leader.

I am a keynote speaker, author, artist, and mother of two and am always excited to help people live their authentic life in an easy and powerful way.

Nickname Laura Linden
Display name Laura Linden

Speaker Info

Company Laura Linden
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Collins Family High School, Alliance Judy Ivie Burton Technology Academy High, Alliance Margaret M. Bloomfield High School, Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy, Alliance William & Carol Ouchi High School, Animo Inglewood High School, Animo Leadership High School, Animo Venice High School, Felicitas & Gonzalo Mendez High School, Oscar De La Hoya Animo High School, Santee High School

Last Speaking Date 7/19/17
Title Keynote Speaker, Success & Leadership Coach
Mobile Phone Number 970 846-8074(H)