Jason Ciment

Primary fields

First name Jason
Last name Ciment

I’ve been a serial entrepreneur since being a CPA and then graduating law school in 1996. I started my first ecommerce business in 1997 and many more ventures have followed.

You will find me and my team heavily invested online in the following areas:

1. Promoting a professional magazine subscription service for business, schools and libraries.
2. Creating websites for professionals, manufacturers and online stores.
3. Marketing websites to drive leads and sales via search engines and social media channels.
4. Consulting for companies who want to grow their reputations and book of business online
5. Building communities in LinkedIn and blogging voraciously to inform and educate.

Email jason@ladezign.com
Nickname Jason Ciment
Display name Jason Ciment

Speaker Info

Company LaDezign.com
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Venice High School

Last Speaking Date 6/9/14
Title President
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonciment
Mobile Phone Number 310 497-9762(H)
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/341_yba-presentation-apr2015.pptx