Houtan Hormozian

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First name Houtan
Last name Hormozian

An entrepreneur with nearly two decades of accomplishment-laden experience in the real estate and mortgage industry, Houtan’s expertise centers around brand development and recognition, product launch, market share, distribution, expansion and operations efficiency goals. He brings valuable insight and knowledge regarding leadership and management challenges that riddle start up and growing companies and brands to the table everyday. Recognized as a Top Producer, he has over one billion dollars in origination and has been interviewed by several publications, including VoyageLA, which have identified him as an up and coming professional who is changing the face of the financial services sector and related industries.

Email houtan.hormozian@crestico.com
Website http://www.crestico.com
Nickname Houtan Hormozian
Display name Houtan Hormozian

Speaker Info

Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance For Community Empowerment

Last Speaking Date 8/16/18
Title Co-Founder / V.P.
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/houtanhormozian
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/1908_presentation-houtanhormozian.pdf