Henry Jones III

Primary fields

First name Henry
Last name Jones III

Henry Jones III is the President and CEO of Subtle Insight Entertainment. Subtle Insight Entertainment is an entertainment management company located in southern California. Mr. Jones has an extensive amount of knowledge in the entertainment industry. He began his career in music as a songwriter and co-founder of Boys of B.L.A.C. Entertainment a management company located in Atlanta, GA. It was there that he wrote songs and co-managed Sunshine Records recording artist That1Group" and "Jandi Spann". It was his persistence and business savvy that Mr. Jones established relationships with executives at Def Jam West

Email hjones@subtleinsightent.com
Website https://www.subtleinsightent.com
Nickname Henry Jones III
Display name Henry Jones III

Speaker Info

Company Subtle Insight Entertainment
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Venice High School, Valor Academy High School

Industry Entertainment
Last Speaking Date 8/23/18
Title President/CEO
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/company/subtle-insight-entertainment/about/?viewAsMember=true
Mobile Phone Number 8185308369
Activity YES
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/1846_2019_youngbusinessalliancepresentation.pptx