Gayle Dickie

Primary fields

First name Gayle
Last name Dickie

I'm a former TV syndicator turned Producer, Writer and Executive Producer. I started out corporate and went independent 22 years ago. I am currently putting together one of the largest live events for e-sports gaming and music reaching over a billion people with partners in China and the U.S. I'm a creative producer that thinks out side the box and when someone tells you 'no one has done that before' or 'you won't be able to pull that off' , I reference I set the world record for bent knee sit ups in 1980 doing 13,104 sit ups in 12 hours on an ABC Network World Wide Event. Enough said!

Nickname Gayle Dickie
Display name Gayle Dickie

Speaker Info

Company Hey Girl Hey Entertainment, 4Plus1 Entertainment Group, Creative Souls PR Group,
Title Partner
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 500-5070(H)