Galina Slavova

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First name Galina
Last name Slavova


Versatile and solutions-driven leader with a deep knowledge of hotel operations backed by more than 15 years of experience supervising key hotel operations, coordinating high end events, driving revenue growth and delivering exceptional service to guests at luxury and boutique hotels in the United States and abroad.

Profile & Highlighted Achievements
• Opened several highly successful hotels, involved in key start of operations including: staffing, training, software, policy development, guest relations, scheduling, and vendor relations.
• Business owner known for delivering flawlessly executed large scale events at top hotels, convention centers, restaurants and unique venues.
• Multi-lingual with solid international sales experience, possess extraordinary communications and strategic negotiation talents. Experienced managing relationships with high profile celebrities, dignitaries and entertainers.

Galina Slavova has a strong fitness background. She has been an athlete for over 30 years specializing in personal training and mix martial arts. She holds black belt honors in Judo. Between 1987-1997, she achieved 7 gold medals as a Bulgarian Champion and 4-time international silver medalist. In 1990, she received her black belt and became one of the youngest Judo fighters to receive her black belt, which was at the age 13. In 1992, she was chosen to to be apart of the national Bulgarian National Judo Team. Between 2004-2007, she led as a Head Coach of a local Judo team in Vieques, Puerto Rico. She also was a Karate Bronze medalist, Bulgarian city running competition 400m Championship Gold medalist. She was also a Handball Team Competition silver medalist.

Fluent in English,Spanish,Bulgarian and Croatian.

Specialties: Hotel Management & Guest Relations & VIP Services & Special & Sales & PR and Marketing & Concierge Services & International travel & Events & Weddings & Fitness.

Nickname Galina Slavova
Display name Galina Slavova

Speaker Info

Company Bonfit LLC
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Pat Brown High School

Last Speaking Date 6/2/17
Title Co-Founder
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 292-8686(H)