Dan Berman

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First name Dan
Last name Berman

Dan Berman co-founded and serves as the Managing Partner of Wood, Smith, Henning & Berman, a 150 plus attorney law firm with 15 offices throughout California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, New Jersey and New York. Dan has been intimately involved with the management of the firm from its inception, overseeing the firm’s strategic and financial operations. Representing Fortune 500 and middle market companies, major US and foreign insurers and preeminent members of the business and entertainment communities, Dan is a recognized authority on commercial and business litigation, and has been selected a California “Super Lawyer” for the past 9 years. His areas of expertise include legal matters involving professional liability, real estate, intellectual property, business litigation, and construction-related issues. Dan has tried numerous cases to verdict, has served as a court appointed arbitrator and mediator, and has served as monitoring and coordinating counsel for client matters litigated throughout the United States.

Email dab@wshblaw.com
Nickname Dan Berman
Display name Dan Berman

Speaker Info

Company Wood, Smith, Henning & Berman LLP
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance William & Carol Ouchi High School

Last Speaking Date 6/9/14
Title Co-Founder and Managing Partner
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=12045852&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 488-8777(H)
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/133_ybapresentation-danberman.pptx