Christine Corden

Primary fields

First name Christine
Last name Corden

I moved to Los Angeles in 1989 after graduating with a graphic design degree from a small school in La Crosse, WI and previously attended the University of WI, Platteville, for 1 year. I am the youngest of 10 children from a small town in southwest Wisconsin.

After moving to Los Angeles, I landed my first job in advertising by answering a blind advertisement in the back of a trade magazine for a secretary position - I obviously decided against a career in design! They gave me a typing test because we all used the electric typewriter back then. I could type about 90-100 words / minute, thanks to a high school class I took to learn how to type. She asked me if I knew what they did at this company and my reply was I have no idea". Wasn't the BEST answer

Nickname Christine Corden
Display name Christine Corden

Speaker Info

Company Gilly & Co
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Jackie Robinson High School

Last Speaking Date 5/14/18
Title Executive Recruiter
LinkedIn Profile in 1998. I left the ad business in 1999 to become a recruiter who specialized in the advertising world and I haven't looked back. I've worked with some amazing talent throughout the years and with some incredible
Mobile Phone Number 310 993-1275(H)