Barbara Oliver

Primary fields

First name Barbara
Last name Oliver

Barbara, as she prefers to be called, is President of Enterprise Publishing Inc., and Publisher of Minority Business Entrepreneur (MBE) magazine.
In addition to her full-time responsibilities with the magazine, Barbara represents the publication as an active member of several local and national trade organizations including WBENC and AMAC. She travels extensively representing the magazine at trade shows and conferences throughout the country.
A native of Jamaica, West Indies, Barbara joined MBE magazine in 1989 after graduating from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature and has a Master of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix, Southern California Campus.
She currently lives in Henderson, Nevada, with her family.

Nickname Barbara Oliver
Display name Barbara Oliver

Speaker Info

Company Enterprise Publishing Inc./MBE magazine
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Collins Family High School

Last Speaking Date 4/15/15
Title President/Publisher
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 294-3780(H)