Russ Belinsky

Primary fields

First name Russ
Last name Belinsky

I grew up in Detroit Michigan. I was encouraged by my parents to work at an early age. I had a gardening service, a paper route, a job at a shoe store, all before I was age 16. Besides earning money, work provided me with insights to people and the world. I started buying real estate and trading stocks and commodities at age 18. I graduated from Wayne State University at age 21, with a business degree, then went to Georgetown Law School. After law school, I practiced law for 4.5 years and then joined two clients to start an investment banking firm. We built the firm to 60 people in 3 offices and then sold the firm. After the sale, my partners and I started a private equity firm, investing in troubled companies. This is my current job, co-founder of LB Advisors, LLC. www.

Nickname Russ Belinsky
Display name Russ Belinsky

Speaker Info

Company LB Capital Advisors, LLC
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Leadership High School

Last Speaking Date 6/12/17
Title Founder
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 445-4010(H)