Anand Chokshi

Primary fields

First name Anand
Last name Chokshi

Just about 20 year ago I was sitting in one of these disadvantaged high schools - driven, motivated, eager to learn, desperately seeking right information and mentorship - and the help never came. So, I am going to change that - 30 kids at a time. I have lived in these communities and I am product of this school system so I know the challenges these students face first hand. As a speaker, I incorporate my life story along with discussion about the business acumen, college course work, life skills, financial literacy (saving and investing), delayed gratification and grit these students will need to have a successful career in banking and beyond.

Nickname Anand Chokshi
Display name Anand Chokshi

Speaker Info

Company Citizens Business Bank
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy, Steam Legacy High School

Last Speaking Date 2/19/19
Title Vice President
Mobile Phone Number 714 864-1235(H)