Amirali Ghasemipour

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First name Amirali
Last name Ghasemipour

Amirali is a Consultant with Alvarez & Marsal in Los Angeles. He has 5+ years of business and international experience. He has led many successful projects across industries including food, high-tech, and manufacturing.

Amirali completed his MBA at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. There, he was president of the Strategy and Operations Management Association. He was also a career team coach for the Management Consulting Association. In his most memorable role, however, he was a teaching assistant for the Managing Entrepreneurial Organizations course at UCLA Anderson.

Nickname Amirali Ghasemipour
Display name Amirali Ghasemipour

Speaker Info

Company Alvarez & Marsal
Schools You Have Spoken At

Downtown Magnets High School

Last Speaking Date 12/8/17
Title Consultant
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 949 232-5110(H)