Current student at USC studying for a Masters in Occupational Therapy. Current LAUSD Occupational Therapy Intern. Albert Schweitzer Fellowship Recipient...
CEO of Lori Battle Enterprises and Founder of Coaching Designed by Lori, The Dream Girl Luncheon, Lunch with Lori and...
PROFESSIONAL: Title: President/CEO of Auerbach Realty Holdings, LLC Ms. Auerbach oversees the asset management functions of her family’s multi-state commercial...
I work in Private Wealth Management at UBS. I have been at UBS for 11 years. I manage money for...
Louis Hirsch was born and raised in the Los Angeles area, Westchester, Woodland Hills and Beverly Hills. After much schooling...
Louis Ziskin, founder and CEO of DropIn has had entrepreneurial spirit his entire life. From his early beginnings when he...
I’m a proud Southern California native with a background in enterprise SEO. Digital news strategy is my specialty. I’ve had...
Having started three companies, Luke evaluates everything in business with an entrepreneurial, investor, and growth mindset. His passion is helping...