I am a Motivator and Coach instilling life long lessons in people all over the world. My place in this...
Chris Sheng is a 2x Founder, serial entrepreneur and growth strategist. He founded and exited online tuxedo rental company SimpleTux...
Born in NYC, raised by a single mother, Cicero Salmon III did not originally understand the value of education. With...
Actress, Teaching Artist, Writer, and Entrepreneur from New Orleans Louisiana. Seen in a number of TV shows & Films. Created...
Cindy J. Lee is the Community & Public Affairs Manager of LA 18 KSCI-TV, the leading Asian-language television station in...
I am an advocate for change. As a speaker I have been voluntarily facilitating and touching audiences periodically the last...
CJ Miller was raised in Southern California, and started writing at the age of ten. After graduating from Wilberforce University...
CLARISSA BURT “You’re Only as Beautiful a Your Last Good Deed” -Clarissa Burt CLARISSA BURT BEAUTY/LIFESTYLE/WELLNESS MEDIA BRAND Clarissa Burt...
CO CEO of GREEN CREATIVE. We are an LED lighting company based in San Francisco that manufacturers lighting products and...