Cinthia Gambino Peters

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First name Cinthia
Last name Gambino Peters

I am an advocate for change. As a speaker I have been voluntarily facilitating and touching audiences periodically the last 15 years. Speaking on the themes of responsibility and action; my main focus is the subject on reaching goals with passionate determination and intelligent balance. I have also volunteered time to educate teens in high schools about drug abuse and displaying responsible behavior for a successful life. While working full time counseling and traveling the United States as a spokes model, I earned a B.S. degree in Human Development with an emphasis in Counseling and graduated cum laude. My further education includes life coaching certifications and a Masters of Science in Management.

Previous life experience also afforded me the joys and life lessons of being a child immigrant at age 10, teen mother at the age of 18, and cancer survivor at the age of 27; all of which have fine-tuned my belief that “there are lessons to be learned in everything and it’s up to us what we do with them.” I am now more passionate for experiencing life fully, and learning from each event for the purpose of living a life worth living. My overall approach to life is filled with energy, curiosity and wonder, and that is what I like to share with every interaction.

Nickname Cinthia Gambino Peters
Display name Cinthia Gambino Peters

Speaker Info

Company Kapsis Inc.
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Jackie Robinson High School

Last Speaking Date 5/14/18
Title Human Resources Consultant
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 714 322-6169(H)