I love laughing, being of service and traveling. Experience has taught me that 'time' is very valuable so I take...
Britt Hysen is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of MiLLENNiAL, a news and lifestyle media brand bringing attention to global millennial...
I've been working in some facet of PR for more than 20 years. I started out working for PR agencies...
Credit Repair Director & Financial Literacy Coach, is on a mission to educate generations to come on the importance of...
Strategic leader in brand marketing and communications with 10+ years of experience developing and launching successful regional marketing programs for...
Dr. Bruce Isaacson is President of MMR Strategy Group, a research and consulting firm providing surveys and marketing expertise for...
Leader interested in technology, finance & economics
Caitlyn Becker is a dynamic and experienced entertainment host with exceptional on-camera interviewing skills honed through thousands of live interviews...
Calvin Cheong leads the Business Development efforts at Cooley in Los Angeles with a focus on technology, media and venture...
A boring CPA with interesting personal stories