arlene zeichner

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First name arlene
Last name zeichner

Arlene is a digital content strategy, business development and implementation consultant. She has a wide range of deal experience across business models (license fees, revenue shares, promotional content, sponsored content, various forms of SVOD and AVOD), media types (film, video, print, apps, audio) and platforms (mobile, OTT, hardware, consumer electronics and out-of-home networks). She was a corporate strategy executive at 20th Century Fox and Sony Digital where she launched multiple initiatives, including Soap City and led content alliances for Viiv, Intel’s Media Center PC platform. She has developed and maintained many valuable relationships with media, entertainment, technology, and online executives.

Arlene’s most recent work includes crafting a Membership Video on Demand strategy for PBS (she is currently working on another on demand initiative for PBS) and a subscription service, nabi Pass, that includes video, print and audio assets for Fuhu, creator of the top children’s tablet line, nabi (she also licensed and programming content for nabi). Other recent clients include a start-up, OwnZones, where she licenses extensive niche video, audio and print assets, a one screen social solution provider (overlay on screen, includes interactive advertising) and an ad network that incorporates video content.

Nickname arlene zeichner
Display name arlene zeichner

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Mobile Phone Number 310 592-4658(H)