Zeahlot Lopez

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First name Zeahlot
Last name Lopez

Zeahlot Lopez is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Cosmetologist helping humans rebuild their spirit. Guided by her intuition, clinical training, life experiences, and some luck she currently helps individuals and families lead a happier life! Aside from providing mental health services to better the lives of her clients, she enjoys providing coaching services to entrepreneurs and those looking to increase their emotional intelligence. She enjoys comedy, singing in her shower, and cooking new dishes. Recently she was featured on the television network Univison, speaking on challenges associated with Mental Health.

Email zeahlotlopez@gmail.com
Nickname Zeahlot Lopez
Display name Zeahlot Lopez

Speaker Info

Company Vida Therapy Inc.
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance For Community Empowerment

Last Speaking Date 1/17/18
Title Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
LinkedIn Profile http://linkedin.com/in/z-lopez-mfti
Mobile Phone Number 818 650-0255(H)