Xiomara Pena

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First name Xiomara
Last name Pena

Xiomara Peña works as the Southern California Outreach Manager for Small Business Majority, a national, non-partisan, non-profit organization focused on promoting smart public policy that will positively impact small business owners and entrepreneurs. Small Business Majority also commissions opinion research on both national and state levels to determine small business owners’ views on a range of topics.

In addition to advocacy work, Xiomara is a Certified Educator for Covered CA, where she discusses the Small Business Health Options Program and tax credits. Serving as an Ambassador for Energy Upgrade CA she engages with the small business community to raise awareness on county specific energy saving programs. Other policy issues Xiomara works on include: Workforce Development, Opportunity Youth, Linked Learning, Entrepreneurship Programs, Paid Sick Days, and Access to Capital.

Xiomara is currently the Chair for the El Nido Family Centers Alumni Association—an advocacy group focused on higher education for low-socioeconomic communities, primarily teen families. As a founding member, she has developed mentorship programs, youth workforce development programs, and work-based training activities for disconnected youth in L.A. County. The Association also organizes educational workshops, networking activities, and is actively involved in advocacy work by visiting legislators throughout California. In the last couple of years, the group has awarded scholarships to first generation college students. Xiomara is also working on an initiative to create a Leadership Council and Mentoring Program for at-risk teens in Compton, CA.

Her most notable accolades include a Leading the Way award and the Champion for Families award for her leadership in the Latino community. Both the L.A. City Council and several Congressional districts have recognized her.

Xiomara received her B.S. in Business Management from CSU-Northridge with Cum Laude honors.

Email xpena@smallbusinessmajority.org
Nickname Xiomara Pena
Display name Xiomara Pena

Speaker Info

Company Small Business Majority
Title Southern California Outreach Manager
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/xiomara-peña-03863725/