Whitney Melford

Primary fields

First name Whitney
Last name Melford

Whitney Melford is an Associate with the Interest Rate Risk Management group. She joined Wells Fargo in 2014 and is based in Los Angeles, California.

Whitney is responsible for structuring interest rate risk management solutions for corporate clients based primarily in Southern California.

Prior to her current role, Whitney worked as a Salesperson on the Equity Derivatives Desk at Societe Generale helping Institutional Investors structure large equity transactions.

Whitney earned a B.S.M. degree from Tulane University and an M.B.A. from Duke University, the Fuqua School of Business. She holds the FINRA Series 7, 63, 3, and 55 licenses.

Email whitney.melford@wellsfargo.com
Nickname Whitney Melford
Display name Whitney Melford

Speaker Info

Company Wells Fargo
Schools You Have Spoken At

Santee High School

Last Speaking Date 4/22/15
Title Interest Rate Derivatives Sales
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/pub/whitney-melford/16/583/ba3
Mobile Phone Number 917 449-4839(H)
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/638_melford-yba.pptx