Dawn Deines

Primary fields

First name Dawn
Last name Deines

I work in a hospital doing Electroencephalograms and other types of Neurodiagnostic Testing. I work in ICU, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the Emergency Room, the Operating Room. I work in Carotid and Brain Surgeries. We work with all kinds of patients. In my life I’ve been a Corrections Officer, a 911 Call Receiver and Dispatcher, a DJ, an Office Manager, and do some Entertainment reporting on the side. I would create my power point presentation based on ehat someobe wants.

Email walkingbyfaith7@gmail.com
Nickname Dawn Deines
Display name Dawn Deines

Speaker Info

Company Huntington Memorial Hospital
Title Registered EEG Technologist
Mobile Phone Number 530 953-8941(H)