Udita Chadha

Primary fields

First name Udita
Last name Chadha

I am a Computer Science graduate from Delhi University, India. I have seven years for work experience combining both the corporate and development sector. After working as a process management executive in HCL for around 3 years I joined Teach For India fellowship where I taught in a low income government school for 2 year. As a result of my fellowship experience and my strong believe in women empowerment I co-founded UMEED in 2014.
UMEED, a non-profit organization, exists to empower women from the slum communities of Hyderabad, India, by providing them with life skills and knowledge; enabling them to take better control of their livelihoods. In Umeed women are trained to make handicrafts out of recycled newspapers. Through UMEED I am currently working with 30 women from 6+ slum communities across Hyderabad.

Email uditacha@usc.edu
Nickname Udita Chadha
Display name Udita Chadha

Speaker Info

Company UMEED
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Jackie Robinson High School

Last Speaking Date 12/8/17
Title Founder
Mobile Phone Number 213 358-9439(H)