Tuanni Price

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First name Tuanni
Last name Price

Tuanni Price is an Accounting Manager and an entrepreneur. Born and raised in South Central Los Angeles, Tuannni was always exposed to diversity and arts. She attended a magnet school in the inner city of South Los Angeles. There she was able to learn about life through dance, music and eventually leadership. Throughout middle school high school and college, she maintained roles as class presidents, participated in social justice rallies to end apartheid and was awarded the Kiwanis award for leadership. After graduating from Grambling State University she landed her first manager job at Magic Johnson Theater. Tuanni entrepreneurial and innovative spirit lead to her love for start-up environments. She has worked for start ups in media and technology, companies such as Lionsgate, Demand Media, Hulu, Rubicon Project and currently Techstyle. While Tuanni has a natural talent for adding value to start-up companies she decided in 2010 to apply the knowledge and experience she gained and launch Zuri Wine Tasting. In a short period of time and through grassroots marketing she has managed to build a strong brand and great reputation for making wine fun.

Email tuanniprice@yahoo.com
Nickname Tuanni Price
Display name Tuanni Price

Speaker Info

Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Judy Ivie Burton Technology Academy High, Animo Inglewood High School, Animo Pat Brown High School, David Starr Jordan High School, Manual Arts High School, Rise Kohyang High School

Last Speaking Date 1/4/18
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/tuanniprice
Mobile Phone Number 310 508-1156(H)
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/890_beyourownboss-highschoolversion.pptx