Tonya Lowry

Primary fields

First name Tonya
Last name Lowry

11 years of experience in education, 7 years working in virtual charter environments. I have taught Social Studies for grades 6-12 and have been an administrator for virtual programs. I was nominated Michigan Charter Teacher of the Year 3 years in a row, making the top 25 in 2016. I have also served as an Advanced Placement Coordinator for the past 4 years, in addition to my teaching roles. Currently, I teach students in Oklahoma, Michigan and California. I have a Masters in Educational Leadership from Central Michigan University with a specialization in Charter School Principalship.
I have 4 beautiful children, a loving husband, a wealth of knowledge and a lifetime of experience overcoming hardships. I enjoy everything outdoors and playing an active role in the community I live in.
We don't learn from doing things right, we learn from mistakes!

Nickname Tonya Lowry
Display name Tonya Lowry

Speaker Info

Company A3 Education
Title Educator
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 269 312-6172(H)