Tina Cheng

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First name Tina
Last name Cheng

Tina has been a serial entrepreneur since the age of 22. Her ventures have included a nightclub, spa, a maternity hotel for postpartum wellness, and a multi-national internet business that sold for $65 million to a public company. Her latest venture, Capsul Jewelry, is a 3D-printing customized jewelry business that seeks to capture your memory with your own handwriting, sound wave of a voice clipping. or engraving into a modern, timeless fine sterling silver jewelry you'll want to wear every single day.

Tina has also been a veteran in the finance industry, with diverse experience spanning from private wealth management, investment banking, and real estate private equity. She graduated from UCLA with a degree in Civil Engineering, and received her MBA at USC Marshall School of Business. Tina was a Chartered Financial Analyst holder.

Email tina@capsuljewelry.com
Nickname Tina Cheng
Display name Tina Cheng

Speaker Info

Company Capsul Jewelry
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Inglewood High School

Last Speaking Date 10/18/16
Title Founder/CEO
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinawcheng
Mobile Phone Number 626 417-7774(H)