Sayon Syprasoeuth

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First name Sayon
Last name Syprasoeuth

I am a creative and artistic individual. My background is a visual artist, curator, graphic and web designer. My experience has been in production art, branding identity and creating a professional portfolio and presentation. I think the ability to show your work well and deliver is key to success.

My background is, I came to the United States as a refugee when I was about 10 years old. My education background is I went to Long Beach City College, California State University Long Beach and for graduate school I went to Claremont Graduate University. I mainly studied studio arts and went to technical school to learn graphic and web design.

You can view some of my work samples here:

Nickname Sayon Syprasoeuth
Display name Sayon Syprasoeuth

Speaker Info

Company Firebird Media Design / Visual Artist / Graphic and Web Designer
Title CEO
Mobile Phone Number 949 735-2926(H)