Sunder Ramani

Primary fields

First name Sunder
Last name Ramani

Born in India -emigrated to the US when I was 7. After one year in New York, we moved to LA and have been around the LA, Atwater, Glendale, Sunland, La Canada areas since.
Started working at 8 years old, and first formal job was at 13 in commercial printing.
Went to CSUN at night for 7 years to get my BS in Acctg. while running a working during the day. My career spans commercial printing, textile printing, commercial aviation, construction, land use consulting, business development consulting, broadcast media post production, and real estate management.
Not sure what my next career will be.
Have served on over 60 non-profit boards including hospitals, business groups, educational foundations, and philanthropic organizations - to name a few.
Married for 34 years and two grown children.

Nickname Sunder Ramani
Display name Sunder Ramani

Speaker Info

Company Westwind Studios
Title Partner
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number (818) 972-9000