Barbra Stover

Primary fields

First name Barbra
Last name Stover

Barbra Stover, a California native, is a dedicated, successful, and extremely knowledgeable real estate professional with more than 14 years of experience. Her passion for design and luxury homes has skyrocketed through the years and has been showcased in episodes of HGTV’s Selling L.A. and Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles.

The Luxury Estates Director of Rodeo Realty has received recognition and numerous awards for her multimillion-dollar sales. Her sense of style, expertise and friendly personality are a gift to clients whom she helps find their dream homes. Stover loves opening the door to homeownership, with its endless possibilities and blessings. Her most honorable achievement was successfully representing both the buyer and seller on the home of former Los Angeles Lakers owner, the late Dr. Jerry Buss.

Nickname Barbra Stover
Display name Barbra Stover

Speaker Info

Company Rodeo Realty
Title Luxury Estates Director
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 902-7122(H)