Stephanie McLean

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First name Stephanie
Last name McLean

An accidental Fashinoista, recovering attorney and life long lover of travel, launching Trendy Treat has been a serendipitous adventure for Stephanie. Launching an e-commerce portal is an unexpected path for someone who holds a law degree and a Masters in Real Estate Development from Columbia University.

Stephanie has always relished in coloring outside the lines. A lifelong globe trotter, whose adventures have taken her to more than 18 counties spanning 5 continents. Stephanie always enjoyed collecting unique pieces. People often wanted to know where she got items from. Thus birthed the idea of being able to bring a curated global shopping experience to all women.

Ethical fashion is also something that Stephanie is incredibly passionate about. Creating a platform that supported designers who were committed to sustainable fashion was important. The in house line Mogul In The Making epitomizes socially conscious glamour. All pieces are ethically manufactured and has a positive socio-economic impact on the regions it is produced in.

Brining the luxury of perfect fit tailoring and global travel, has culminated in the birth of Trendy Treat. An inimitable shopping experience that's globally yours.

Nickname Stephanie McLean
Display name Stephanie McLean

Speaker Info

Company Trendy Treat
Schools You Have Spoken At

Oscar De La Hoya Animo High School

Last Speaking Date 10/19/16
Title CEO
Mobile Phone Number 786 518-8924(H)