Sandy Sigal

Primary fields

First name Sandy
Last name Sigal

I am Chairman and Founder of NewMark Merrill Companies. NMC builds, acquires and manages over 70 shopping centers throughout California, Colorado and Illinois. We also have a technology company called BrightStreet Partners which develops software to assist with back office functions and assist retailers extend their reach on the internet. I graduated UCLA, and am active with YPO/WPO, Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters, The Camp Max Straus Foundation and the Jewish Federation.

Nickname Sandy Sigal
Display name Sandy Sigal

Speaker Info

Company NewMark Merrill Companies
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Simon Technology Academy High School, Oscar De La Hoya Animo High School

Last Speaking Date 6/4/14
Title Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Mobile Phone Number 818 402-8015(H)