Monica Tobon

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First name Monica
Last name Tobon

Leading Los Angeles Graffiti Art Historian has a strong International background of working with legendary Graffiti Artists and Graffiti Crews worldwide. Over the years of dedication and hard work in the Chicano/a/Graffiti/Art communities, assisting artists build portfolios, art biographies, grant proposals as well all aspects of managing projects to help artists’ careers, Smiles has become the “Go to Writer” if you need any help because she is always willing to help you grow. Monica Smiles Tobon is Public Relations Manager for Silver Battle Graffiti events; a movement whose mission is keeping the raw essence of “style writing” alive. She has executed many successful art shows and cultural festivals throughout California and currently working with an art gallery in France as an L.A. Art Agent. You will always find her at the hottest events and Art shows supporting her community. Her unique style of writing on her website Monica Smiles Tobon- Rewriting the History of Art has gained following from over 76 different countries. Her career as a Writer and Art Historian has gained a respectable reputation and is continuously contracted to document art, history and culture. Recently hired as The Arts Writer for Over the Edge Books Publishing with legendary Hip Hop music supervisor and book publisher Paul Stewart.
Mentors At Risk Youth to pursue a college education. Focuses on empowering and provide resources to upcoming women artists, business professionals and future women leaders.
Pursuing a MBA at Argosy University
Holds a B.A. Degree in Art History Modern/Contemporary Art. from California State University of Northridge. and an A.A in Liberal Arts & Humanities from Antelope Valley College

Nickname Monica Tobon
Display name Monica Tobon

Speaker Info

Company Monica Smiles Tobon
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Tennenbaum Family Technology High School

Last Speaking Date 6/8/16
Title Art Historian/Writer/Public Relations
Mobile Phone Number 323 395-4034(H)