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First name SHIRLEY
Last name WILSON

August 28th, 2018 in Your Classroom
To: The Classroom Instructor
From: Shirley Wilson, CEO of Feed My Sheep Outreach, Inc.
RE: MY Appointment to Speak to Your Class on 8/28/2018
This opportunity to speak to your Class inspires me because how can we help if we are not there? First, I want to express what this means to me and why: I have found my way back from the murder of my favorite person, loved person, admired person in my Universe, my 7-year-old only son, my Baby was brutally murdered and I got sick from the Horror. The Doctors, me, my family didn’t think I would make it back, but by Grace, I did make it back. I tell you this because it fuels my Passion to inspire Children to Greatness; it is why I am embarking on this trail that brings me directly to the Students to present Possibilities to them. I am particularly excited because these are Smart Kids, which means they are already inspired, so it is exciting to fuel their excitement.
I have a Master’s Degree in Psychology with 67 hours more to earn my Doctorate in this Field. I am an International Journalist, building my first Powerful story to inspire adults everywhere to Be There for the youth. My focus as I come to your Class room is to inspire the Students to believe they are INCREDIBLE, because they are. I have attached the PowerPoints and will give you the following steps I will take as I come to your Class Room on August 28th, 2018 at 11:45 AM:
11:45 to 12 noon: About me, my credentials, my radio show, and my Purpose
12 noon to 12 20 PM: PowerPoint about Powerful Statements about Self-Worth and what they individually mean to each Student. This will be interactive with the Students as they all take turns analyzing these Statements.
12:20 to 12:40 PM: PowerPoint that gives a Practical to make the Statements workin their lives.
12:40 to 12:45 PM: My Closing Statements

Please let me know if you require anything else. Thank you for what you do for our Youth…
Shirley Wilson MSP


Speaker Info

Company WILD TV Studios
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Inglewood High School, Animo Jackie Robinson High School

Last Speaking Date 5/14/18
Title CEO
Mobile Phone Number 213 798-4235(H)