Shelley Meche'tte

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First name Shelley
Last name Meche'tte

My name is Shelley Meche'tte. I am a Motivational and Women’s Empowerment Speaker (and Coach). I have a true passion for motivating, educating, and building the self-esteem (and awareness) of others, especially women. My desire is to show others how to love themselves again (or for the 1st time if they never have) and offer simple ways to assist them in taking back control of their own lives.

Over the years, I have had the pleasure of being able to speak into the lives of Single Parents, organize a Single Parent Group (WRAP-Willing, Ready and Prepared), provide healthy Co-parenting guidelines and techniques to former couples and blended families, counsel Married Women (and couples together with my husband), and become the Founder of a non-profit organization for teens; Rooted for Life Mentoring Program.

In addition to writing and speaking, I also have a passion for the stage. I absolutely LOVE acting, and have been doing so since childhood. Because I STILL desire is to one day open my very own Production Company that will focus on family friendly entertainment.

I believe that I can make a difference in the lives of others, by showing them the untapped beauty that they possess within.

Nickname Shelley Meche'tte
Display name Shelley Meche'tte

Speaker Info

Company The PowHERful Woman
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance William & Carol Ouchi High School, Animo Inglewood High School, Animo South Los Angeles High School

Last Speaking Date 7/25/16
Title Founder/CEO
Mobile Phone Number 323 514-2481(H)