Sharon Cabeen

Primary fields

First name Sharon
Last name Cabeen

Just retired after working in direct services and senior management positions in non-profit/social service/education arenas for over 40 years.

I started my career out of college in public housing social work, transitioned to non-profit credit counseling in 1981, and ended my career working in the student loan industry, creating programs and content to teach high school and college students about personal money management.

I have one son, DJ, who lives in LA. I've had a wonderful life and career and many fabulous and caring friends who have mentored and supported me through good and difficult life experiences. All in all, I work every day to demonstrate gratitude for what I have and to give back where I can.

Nickname Sharon Cabeen
Display name Sharon Cabeen

Speaker Info

Company N/A retired
Title Financial education consultant
Mobile Phone Number 678 468-2364(H)