Shannon Thompson

Primary fields

First name Shannon
Last name Thompson

Title of presentation: Your Story, Your Brand

We live in a digital world seeing thousands of images and articles a day. As a business, and even as an individual, how do we stand out? The answers lie in our stories. There we find the nuances of who we are and what we are about. Because we are so used to ourselves, we often don't recognize the things that make us unique. We normalize some of the richest gifts and talents we have. Or worse, we hide gifts that we think are not valued. I speak about how to unlock those stories, embrace what makes us who we are (and like it!), how to articluate your message and why that is important in business...and in life.

Nickname Shannon Thompson
Display name Shannon Thompson

Speaker Info

Company On Purpose Brands
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Venice High School, Boys and Girls Club West San Gabriel Valley

Last Speaking Date 8/27/18
Title CEO/Brand Storyteller + Strategist
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 902-4035(H)