Sami Rusani

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First name Sami
Last name Rusani

Serial entrepreneur with several multi million dollar businesses under my belt. Under the capacity of my media group, I have served as a marketing, branding, and growth consultant/advisor for various companies, from startups to global brands. Here are some of the accomplishments:

- Helped raise money and then grow a sports supplement company from concept to a multi million dollar business in under a year.

- Created global marketing campaigns for physical and digital products, resulting in millions of dollars in sales across several verticals. These clients span from small businesses to global leaders.

- Helped a marketing agency grow from near 0 to $5MM+ in under 12 months.

- I have coached/advised entrepreneurs from 13 different countries, and I still keep a small, but extremely motivated group of people that I mentor. I help them grow their companies, not by doing it for them, but by helping them realize what works (Teach a man to fish...).

- I run an entrepreneur, marketing and sales blog (, which attracts over 100,000 readers every month. On the blog, I share advice from my experiences, highs and lows, from running several companies for over 15 years.

Nickname Sami Rusani
Display name Sami Rusani

Speaker Info

Company Pure Rock Media Group
Title CEO
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 926-5933(H)