Robert Ancill

Primary fields

First name Robert
Last name Ancill

Originally born in Scotland, I moved to the USA in 2002. I am 48 years old and the father of 2 young boys.

My background is in restaurant/cafe and leisure operations, management & finance, creative concept & brand development, launching new businesses, and managing change.

In 2002 I opened my Company called The Next Idea. The Next Idea (AKA: TNI), is a Restaurant and Hospitality consultancy specializing in Concept Development and Management.

We have Managed over 750 restaurant/café openings and the launching of 83 new restaurant concepts across the world including: USA, United Kingdom, Qatar, Bangladesh, China, UAE, India, Lebanon, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Argentina, Kuwait, Mexico & Nigeria.

Our Client List includes: Royal Caribbean Cruiselines, Safeway, Maria's Italian Kitchen, Caliburger, Planet Hollywood, Rumba Room, Pizzaro, Chilis, Johnny Rockets, HMS Host, and Panera Bread.

Nickname Robert Ancill
Display name Robert Ancill

Speaker Info

Company The Next Idea LLC
Title CEO
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 818 448-9888(H)