Rojean Kashanchi

Primary fields

First name Rojean
Last name Kashanchi

I am one of the 2015-2016 Administrative Fellows at UCLA Health. I'm very excited to be involved with the YBA and look forward to meeting members of the organization.

During my time at UCLA Health, I have managed a variety of operations and performance improvement initiatives . In addition to acting as Interim Assistant Administrator for the UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica, I oversaw the strategy for a surgical site reduction initiative that is poised to save the hospital $4M in avoided complications. Before UCLA Health, I worked at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital leading a strategy initiative where findings from an in-depth internal, market, and competitor analysis informed the hospital’s five-year international growth plan.

I received a Master of Public Health from Columbia University in 2015 and a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications from UCLA in 2012.

Nickname Rojean Kashanchi
Display name Rojean Kashanchi

Speaker Info

Company UCLA Health
Title Administrative Fellow
Mobile Phone Number 310 890-4243(H)