Rachel Bravo

Primary fields

First name Rachel
Last name Bravo

I am currently a Learning and Development Specialist at SierraConstellation Partners in Downtown Los Angeles. I am responsible for helping our team members be the best at what they do by providing training and opportunities for them to learn so they can grow into stellar professionals. I earned a Master's of Science in Industrial Organizational Psychology, which is the study of human behavior in the workplace, at California State University, San Bernardino. My hometown is San Bernardino, California and I was the first in my family to earn a college degree.

Email rbravo@scpllc.com
Nickname rbravo@scpllc.com
Display name Rachel Bravo

Speaker Info

Company SierraConstellation Partners
Schools You Have Spoken At

I have not spoken at any schools yet

Last Speaking Date N/A
Title Learning and Development Specialist
LinkedIn Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachel-bravo-m-s-52a595111/
Mobile Phone Number 9513336834
Activity YES