Rachel Spiegelman

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First name Rachel
Last name Spiegelman

As President of Pitch since 2013, Rachel has been with the agency since inception in 2008 and has been integral to its year-over-year success – most recently evidenced by their being named to Ad Age’s “Agency to Watch” list this year. Prior to Pitch, Rachel held a variety of positions from Director of Marketing positions at 20th Century Fox and Warner Bros., to Manager at MTV Networks. When Rachel isn’t steering the team through Pitch’s consistent growth, you can find her spending time with her husband, two children, and their golden retriever, Frankie.

Email rachelspiegelman@yahoo.com
Nickname Rachel Spiegelman
Display name Rachel Spiegelman

Speaker Info

Company Pitch
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance William & Carol Ouchi High School

Last Speaking Date 6/9/14
Title President
LinkedIn Profile http://www.linkedin.com/pub/rachel-spiegelman/2/32a/a5b
Mobile Phone Number 310 995-7771(H)
Presentation https://youthbizalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/78_ybarspiegelman.pptx