Priya Sodha

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First name Priya
Last name Sodha

I am the new Executive Director for the Youth Business Alliance. I grew up in Anaheim, CA where I graduated HS (from a small charter school in Cypress, CA). Unsure of my path, I applied to CSULB and studied Sociology (with a few major changes in between). All I knew was that I wanted to help and work with youth. Throughout college, I volunteered and worked at a Recreation center bringing physical activity to young kids. I quickly learned that I wanted and craved more, so within a matter of 2 weeks, I applied, got accepted and moved to New York to pursue my Masters in Nonprofit Management at Milano, The New School for Urban Policy. In New York, I learned so much more about life and meeting new people (very different from Californians). I engaged in volunteer activities and grew my network. It was a hard life as I struggled to pay rent but I found passion in teaching Zumba and dance at local gyms and made some money this way. After 5 years, I realized I wasn't made for the snow so I moved back home and was offered a position as a Regional Director for an organization called Coaching Corps. Now, after quite a few struggles, I am the Executive Director for YBA. I am very excited to speak to our classes!

Nickname Priya Sodha
Display name Priya Sodha

Speaker Info

Company Coaching Corps
Schools You Have Spoken At

Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy, Animo Inglewood High School, Animo Jackie Robinson High School, Animo Venice High School, Downtown Magnets High School

Last Speaking Date 9/20/18
Title Regional Director
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 714 815-7224(H)