Precious Jackson

Primary fields

First name Precious
Last name Jackson

Im a 34 young professional who is determine to succeed in life with out making excuses holding me back . I am the owner of the Glamour Room salon for 7yrs . Growing up being a go getter all my life I was never shy of taking a risk . This allowed me to only put my sole trust in the Lord by taking a faith walk. Im truly an unstoppable , passionate , loving and servant leader type of person. My missions now is to create an undeniable thirst in other to never live in lack . To rise up other young professionals and to tell them they have greatness inside of them too.

Nickname Precious Jackson
Display name Precious Jackson

Speaker Info

Company Dreams of Greatness
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Inglewood High School, Animo Jackie Robinson High School

Last Speaking Date 6/9/16
Title CEO/Inspirational speaker
Mobile Phone Number 323 453-6437(H)