Patty Nakielny

Primary fields

First name Patty
Last name Nakielny

I am was born and raised in a suburb of Chicago, Downers Grove. I love to travel and meet new people. I live for music and love animals.

I am currently building a new commercial real estate development firm Magellan Value Partners. My focus is marketing, communications, and business development. I strive to build and maintain a positive company culture and seeks to enhance the quality of life within the cities we live and work.

I founded Socialite Inc., a marketing firm located in Los Angeles. Previously, I was Partner at YellO! Media & Advertising and worked for OgilvyAction, managing marketing campaigns for Fortune500 companies such as American Express, SC Johnson, Kimberly-Clark and Nokia.

I received my degree in Communications from Arizona State University with an emphasis in intercultural communication.

Nickname Patty Nakielny
Display name Patty Nakielny

Speaker Info

Company Magellan Value Partners
Schools You Have Spoken At

Animo Pat Brown High School, Animo Venice High School

Last Speaking Date 12/14/17
Title Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 310 944-0811(H)