Patience Shutts

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First name Patience
Last name Shutts

Patience has been supporting relationships heal and resolving conflicts for decades. As a Marriage Family Therapist and international leadership coach, she assists organizations, families and individuals navigate interpersonal and group dynamics.
Focusing on empathy and curiosity, she teaches healthy, transparent and congruent communication skills. She has first-hand experience with the devastating impact of conflict as her own background often included familial disputes.
She is fond of cross-cultural interactions and serendipitous conversations. She volunteers internationally working with women and children rescued from human trafficking.
Her life purpose is to facilitate healing of the past, the present and therefore the future.

Nickname Patience Shutts
Display name Patience Shutts

Speaker Info

Company Patience Shutts
Title Leadership Coach, Retreat Facilitator, Educator Emotional Intelligence
LinkedIn Profile
Mobile Phone Number 949 510-4271(H)