Palmer Davis

Primary fields

First name Palmer
Last name Davis

UCLA dance major, Former Radio city Rockette, Broadway tours, dancer Actress singer. I created the Theatre Works after school program for kids in Encino CA and also teach dance and movement at the Jewish Home for the Aging. I wrote produced and perform in my solo show Suburban Showgirl which I tour with now. As a performer I've had to find many ways to be resourceful and make a living. I am a firm believer of personal development, discipline and pursuing dreams. I have fun interactive exercises I use to get people out of their comfort zone and test their boundaries. Movement is a part of my presentation which i find beneficial for everyone, especially non-performers. I use music and other hand out materials.

Nickname Palmer Davis
Display name Palmer Davis

Speaker Info

Company Self Represented
Title Self Represented
Mobile Phone Number 818 414-6536(H)